Friday, December 7, 2007

Saturday morning...

I'm scared, I'm really really scared..and i have lost this battle mother..the one against you i have given up..and the rest...well i have lost them all...
And all i can do is sit in this corner and watch the light fade while i crumble to pieces in my bed...singing the night away so the hollow darkness wont swallow me in...i dont want to be there..i dont want to be there...not in that place..where no one would get close..sadly, right now.even i dont wish to get close to myself,..and i cant stand to look at the ugly mirror haunts me..really does..even after its smashed and broken under my foot...and...
I dont much longer il have to say this...but i really need take me and run away from this place..or maybe just be here..or visit..or call..or think of me..or remember you?? do you know who i am? that im writing this for you?? that i long to see your face evey moment every day..that i stand for what seems like ages as i watch u drive away??dont you want to come home, to me?

and i sit next to the window staring all day...not wishing to listen to the answers, the closed empty gates tell..


storyteller said...

This made me cry,not exactly in the same way...but in a way it touched a deep chord.Perhaps this isnt even personal,but its real...painfully real.i felt it.

Rainchild said...

oh its personal in a weird sorta way..i guess...thanks girl..glad to see smone reading.